If you travel a lot or are going to visit different cities and countries, this quiz is for you!
This quiz dedicated to all travelers and geography lovers! You will have to guess different cities, countries by photo.
Guess the cuisine of the world, as well as flags. Also you will have to answer interesting questions, for example - Which continent is the only one to not have ants? Or In which country is the humble ‘thumbs up’ gesture considered a great insult? You can find out all this in our quiz.
Travel by country
You will be shown pictures of different countries of the world, where you have to guess the right answer
Travel by city
You will visit different cities and capitals of the world. Answer correctly to visit the next city.
Country flags
Guess the flags of countries. The game contains both easy and difficult flags of the world.
World Cuisines
The most interesting section of our quiz. You will be shown pictures of different cuisines of the world, which you will have to guess.
Geography test
Answer the geography-related questions correctly.
Travelers test
Learn new things about the customs of other nations. Answer interesting questions about cities and countries around the world.
- The game is free and you can play without internet
- Compete in online tournaments with other players.
- Participate in worldwide player rankings
- New quizzes and questions are added with every update
- Play in the quiz as a family!